Monday, November 7, 2011


Happy - mostly
Bored - yes
Mood - mixed
Color - all
Naked - half
Lover/hater - lover
Afraid of commitment - yes
Nervous habits - overthink
Place want to visit - Maldives
Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - no
Can you raise one eyebrow? - yes
Can you cross your eyes? - yes
Do you make your bed daily? - everyday!!
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twirl
Do you cook? - yes
Do u believe in love at first sight? - yes
Do you like anyone? - yes
Do they know it? - yes
What jewellery do you wear? - earrings, not a big jewelry person
What’s your favorite beverage? - fresh juice
Ever thrown something at someone? - yes
Ever bungee jumped - no, but soo willing to!!
Ever finished an entire jaw breaker? - yes
Ever wanted an ex bf/gf back - no
Last alcoholic drink - boring, red wine
Last movie seen - American Psycho, hate it!!
Last song played - Come rain or come shine by Ray Charles
Last person see u cry? - him
Last person u went out to dinner with? - him
Last person u talked on the phone to? - him
Last person made you laugh? - haha him

[This or the other] :
Wild night out or romantic night in – wild night out
Money or happiness - happiness, but both
Night or day - night
Love or lust - both
Cats or dogs – none
Smile or eyes - smile
Hugs or kisses - hugs
Shorter or taller - taller
Intelligence or attraction - both
Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
Funny or serious - funny
Older or younger - older, but who cares anyway :))
Outgoing or quiet - both
Sweet or bad ass - mixed
Simple or complicated - both
Flowers or candy - candy, but flowers are cool sometimes
Gray or black - gray
Color or black and white photos - black and white
Sunrise or sunset - both
Staying up late or waking up early - early
Sun or moon - moon
Winter or summer - summer
Left or right - right
10 acquaintances or two best friends - two best friends
Sun or rain - rain from the sun
Vanilla or chocolate ice cream - chocolate ice cream for sure
Vodka or Jack Daniels - none, really!


  1. aanha! :P
    oh well, i've got tons of stuff due wednesday... and i'm just half awake... it's 2.30pm you know.

  2. wt's with anhaaa ?? :p

    gdluck dear :))
    im sure ur doing just fine

  3. booooji, bi chinih dr comment uldej bolku bhin..

    check this out -
    reminds me of u :))
